Jadelle® consists of two thin, flexible implants that are inserted just under the skin of your arm by a healthcare professional (e.g. doctor, nurse or midwife) to prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years.1


- It is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy during Years 1-4 and 98.9% effective during Year 51
- It is approved for up to 5 years of continuous use but can be removed at any time by a healthcare professional if you wish to stop using Jadelle® for any reason1
- It does not require daily pill taking or regular injections1
- Does not affect the quality or quantity of breast milk, so can be used whilst breastfeeding1
- It is quickly reversible and does not impact your chance of having a baby in future1
Jadelle® contains a hormone called levonorgestrel, which is similar to the progesterone hormone made by your body. The levonorgestrel in Jadelle® prevents pregnancy in a number of ways, the most important being:1
- Inhibiting ovulation (prevents the release of an egg from your ovaries)
- Thickening the mucus in the cervix making it harder for sperm to reach the egg

Jadelle® is a prescription medicine, and it must be inserted by a specially trained healthcare professional
(e.g. doctor, nurse or midwife).
There are a number of different types of healthcare providers that may offer Jadelle® including:
- Some specially trained GPs, nurses and midwives
- Family Planning clinics
- Sexual health clinics
- Surgical abortion providers
VISIT 1: To discuss your contraceptive options and make sure that Jadelle® is right for you and to have any health checks that the provider decides are necessary.
VISIT 2: To have the Jadelle® inserted
If you’re not sure who to speak to first and you don’t have a usual doctor, you may wish to contact Family Planning New Zealand. The Family Planning website www.familyplanning.org.nz has a clinic finder so you can find a clinic near you, along with clinic contact details. Appointments are free for women under the age of 22.
Jadelle® device
Jadelle® is a fully funded medicine, which means you should just have to pay the normal pharmacy dispensing fee for Jadelle® itself. If you don’t normally pay for your prescriptions, then Jadelle® may be free. If you are not sure, check with your pharmacist.
Jadelle® insertion
The cost to have Jadelle® inserted can depend on a number of different factors including:
- The healthcare provider that is inserting your Jadelle® (e.g. hospital, midwife, GP clinic, Family Planning clinic)
- Your personal circumstances (e.g. your age, whether there is special funding available in your local area)
Talk to your healthcare professional or contact Family Planning for more information about the cost of having Jadelle® inserted.
It is also important to ask where you can have your Jadelle® removed or replaced and how much it
will cost, as some healthcare professionals may not provide a removal service, or the cost to have Jadelle®
removed may be different to the cost for insertion.
Jadelle® consists of two thin, flexible implants about 4 cm long. They are inserted just under the skin in the upper arm by a trained healthcare professional, using a specially designed tool called a trocar.1
Talk to your healthcare professional about the best time to have Jadelle® inserted. Depending on your situation you may need to use condoms for a period of time before or after the insertion.

- The area of skin under which Jadelle® will be inserted is cleaned and some local anaesthetic is injected to make the area numb.
- A small cut is made in the skin and, using the trocar, the implants are inserted under the skin in the shape of a V.
- The small cut is closed with sterile tape and a dressing is placed on the arm.

After the anaesthetic wears off, it is normal to have some tenderness, swelling or bruising at the insertion site for the first few days, but this should not interfere with your everyday activities.2
Normal daily activities can be resumed immediately following the insertion of Jadelle®. However, for the first few days avoid heavy lifting or bumping the insertion site.2
The insertion site should be kept dry for 3 days to prevent infection. The protective gauze and bandage may be removed after 3 days. The sterile skin closure can be removed as soon as the incision wound has healed, normally after 3 to 5 days.1
For more information about what to expect during and after insertion of Jadelle® download a copy of the patient information booklet.
All medicines can have side effects. Some women may experience side effects while using Jadelle®, while others may not experience any. Side effects are most common during the first months after Jadelle® is placed and decrease as time goes on.2
Period bleeding pattern changes1-3
Jadelle® is likely to alter your bleeding pattern. For most women these changes gradually lessen with continued use of Jadelle®. The type of bleeding pattern a woman will experience with Jadelle® can’t be predicted and may include bleeding for longer than usual during the first few months of use, bleeding between periods, no bleeding at all for several months, or a combination of these patterns.1
A New Zealand study has shown that while 4 out of 5 women are satisfied with Jadelle® after one year of use, around 1 in 10 women will have Jadelle® removed within 12 months due to problems with bleeding.3
If you have regular periods while using Jadelle® and they suddenly stop, you should confirm that you are not pregnant or contact your healthcare professional. If you confirm you are pregnant, you must tell your healthcare professional immediately.2
Other very common events1
The following is a list of events reported by at least 1 in 10 women during clinical trials of Jadelle®. If you are concerned about the possibility of side effects speak to your healthcare professional for advice.
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Fungal infection of the vagina
- Vaginal discharge
- Pelvic pain
- Breast pain
- Weight gain
- Genital itch
- Inflammation of the cervix
- Acne
- Bleeding at insertion site
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any side effects following insertion of Jadelle®,
particularly if they worry you.
More information
Jadelle® must be removed by a healthcare professional. In cases where removal of the rods has been difficult, there have been reports of pain, numbness, tingling and scarring in the upper arm.1
For information about other possible side effects – including rare but serious complications – and other important things to be aware of when using Jadelle® speak to your healthcare professional and review the following resources:
References: 1. Jadelle® Data Sheet, 21 September 2020. 2. Jadelle® Consumer Medicine Information, September 2020. 3. Roke C, et al. J Prim Health Care. 2016; 8(1):13-19.
JADELLE® (levonorgestrel). JADELLE® is a long-acting (up to 5 years) progestogen-only contraceptive implant. It consists of two flexible white rods 43 mm in length and 2.5 mm in diameter each containing 75 mg levonorgestrel. JADELLE is a Prescription Medicine used for contraception. JADELLE must not be used if you are pregnant or if you suspect you might be pregnant; if you have an active blood clotting disorder; if you have or have had a liver tumour or abnormal liver function; abnormal vaginal bleeding; sex-hormone-dependent cancers; or if you are sensitive to any of the ingredients of JADELLE. Careful consideration of the risks and benefits of JADELLE is required where there is a history of blood clots, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes with blood vessel damage or severe migraine. Use strictly as directed and inform your doctor immediately if any of the following occur: development or worsening of migraine;
jaundice; depression; persistent headache; visual disturbances or changes to contact lens tolerance in contact lens wearers; severe abdominal pain together with no periods (an indication of a possible ectopic pregnancy); a rod is expelled; you have pus or bleeding at the injection site; you have a lump in your breast or a blood clot (possible warning signs are severe pain in the chest or breathlessness or severe pain or swelling in one of your legs); you develop breast cancer or a liver tumour; significant increase in blood pressure. Women with diabetes, a history of depression or conditions that might be worsened by fluid retention should be carefully monitored by their doctor. Side effects with JADELLE that may occur include headache, nervousness, dizziness, nausea, changes to your periods such as spotting or prolonged periods, inflammation of the cervix or vagina, vaginal discharge, genital itchiness, general pain or pain in the chest, back, lower abdomen or breasts, weight gain or loss, acne, bleeding or itching at the injection site, mood changes, depression, changes in libido, migraine, palpitations, high blood pressure, varicose veins, shortness of breath, abdominal discomfort, rise in total serum bilirubin, skin reactions such as rash, skin discolouration, itching, loss of hair from head or body, excessive hair growth, urinary tract symptoms, ovarian cysts, non-cancerous breast lumps, breast discharge, tiredness. If symptoms persist or you have side effects, see your doctor, pharmacist or health professional. Your doctor can give details of other less common side effects. Read the package insert carefully. In all situations where the reliability of JADELLE is reduced (such as a missing rod) additional contraceptive precautions are required. JADELLE is a fully funded medicine. Normal Doctor’s visit fees apply. This medicine has risks and benefits. Ask your doctor if JADELLE is right for you. Additional information is available from https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/Consumers/cmi/j/jadelle.pdf or Bayer New Zealand Limited, PO Box 2825, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140, telephone 0800 233 988.
Jadelle® is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group, Germany.
PP-PF-WHC-NZ-0036-1. TAPS NP18703.